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Two Locations: Christiansburg, and Roanoke! Call 540-382-2871 for Christiansburg or 540-595-9147 for Roanoke
Two Locations: Christiansburg and Roanoke

Bay Thoroughbred Mare

SKU BRY88477
CollectA’s Thoroughbred Mare – Bay is so realistic you can almost hear the hoofbeats as she trots easily into your collection. Best known for horse racing, the Thoroughbred is also used for show jumping, dressage, fox hunting and polo. Famous Thoroughbreds include Man o’ War and Triple Crown Champion Secretariat. This graceful mare measures6.5”L x 4.7”H. CollectA horses are created under the supervision of equestrian sculptor Deborah McDermott, who studies the movement, expression and unique qualities of each animal.