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Two Locations: Christiansburg and Roanoke

Svali Fra Tjorn Icelandic Horse

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The Icelandic horse is a sturdy breed best known for its charisma and unique gaits. All Icelandics display four gaits: walk, trot, canter/gallop, and smooth, powerful tölt. Some Icelandics have a fifth gait called the flying pace. Stallion Svali frá Tjörn is a beautiful example of his breed. Not only is he five-gaited, he is one of the highest evaluated stallions in the U.S., having received first prize from the International Icelandic Horse Breed Evaluations. In addition to being a champion in the show ring and a breeding stallion at Léttleiki Icelandics, he also is a member of the famed Knights of Iceland performance team, where he gets to interact with the public and demonstrate what a wonderful and versatile breed the Icelandic is!